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Jeffery J. Quiggle (Jeff) is a financial advisor with 30 years experience assisting clients in multiple wealth management related areas including Investment Planning, Investment Management, Retirement Planning, Risk Management, and Legacy Planning. Licensed to offer services in California, he holds FINRA Securities Licenses Series 7, 22, 24, 63 and 65, as well as being a LIfe, Health, Long Term Care, and Annuities insurance agent California License CA-0C91718.


He is affiliated with Centaurus Financial, Inc. a Registered Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor. Charges for services are either fee based with no transaction charges or transaction based with commissions. TD Ameritrade is the account custodian for fee based clients, and Pershing LLC is the account custodian for transaction based clients.


Jeff has previous executive level experience as general partner of a commercial real estate development company that financed, built and managed shopping centers and office buildings. Before that he was a lead consultant advising both national and international companies in computer business systems development. In that capacity he lived in Taiwan for several years consulting to utility companies in Asia and later Jamaica and Panama.​


Jeff Quiggle's financial advisory office is located in La Quinta, California. He and wife Christy make their home there as well.

Securities and Advisory Services offered through:

        Centaurus Financial, Inc.  

        Member FINRA and SiPC

     Registered Investment Advisor

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